wtorek, 12 listopada 2013

My favourite places in Rome


I know I promised to write about my life in Rome...but as you can see I didn't have much time to do it!

Now weather in Rome is not the best - we unfortunately have autumn. It's raining and I decided to stay at home and write for you something about my favourite places in this beautiful city.... :)

1.  Fontana di Trevi (Piazza di Trevi, Roma)


designed by: Nicola Salvi

 Fontana di Trevi is an amazing baroque fountain, one of the most famous fountains in the world!

 The most famous scene with Fontana di Trevi appears in Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita. 
 This theme was oftenly repeated in many movies about love. 

It is a very romantic place at night.
Tourists usually throw coins into the fountain to make sure that they will return to Rome. There are also other legends depending on the amount of coins one's throws into the fountain: you have to throw two if you are looking for a romance and three if you are dreaming about the wedding... :)

2. Piazza di Spagnaone of the most famous squares of Rome.


What's there? 

- Spanish Stairs
- nice restaurants
- Fontana della Baraccia
- Palazzo di Spagna - Embassy of Spain
- shops
- church of the Santissima Trinità dei Monti
It's the best place to meet with your friends, have a walk, eat in a nice restaurant, go shopping or have a drink on spanish stairs!


3. Mensa


Roma - Via Cesare De Lollis 22   ( near main campus )
lunch time: 11.45-15.00 (saturday: 11.45-14.50)
dinner time: 18.45-21.00


Our canteen (La Sapienza) is wonderful! For 2,25 euro you can have two dishes, additives, dessert and drink! To pay only 2,25 euro you have to show your CODICE FISCALE from La Sapienza. 

4. Cuccagna Pub (via della Cuccagna)


- close to Piazza Navona

Every tuesday all people from Erasmus gather in one place - Cuccagna Pub!
Cocktail nights became our tradition (or it's already our addiction :)). 
You can buy drinks for 3,5 euro with your ESN Card and meet a lot of new, crazy people!

(foto by Enrico Iapoce)


(foto by Enrico Iapoce)

5. Via del Corso -  main street in the historical centre of Rome.



What's there? 

baroque buildings
- Piazza del Popolo
- the best shops!

It's close to:

column of Marcus Aurelius
Spanish Stairs
-  Trevi Fountai
Altar of the Fatherland
Piazza Venezia
-  Roman Forum


6. Piazza Navona 

For me this is the best place to sit and relax. Very nice, beautifully illuminated place.


What's there?

- fountain of the four Rivers
- statue of Pasquino
- Moor fountain
- fountain of Neptune

7.  Momart  - the best aperitivo! 


Momart Cafe Restaurant, Viale XXI Aprile 19

Website: http://www.momartcafe.it/

For 10 euro you can eat as much as you want and have a drink (only one drink included) ! 
/from 18:00 till 21:30/

8.  Pizzeria Taberna Piscinula 

The best pizza I've ever had! First time I tried a pizza with cheese and truffles and I fall in love...
It's in a beautiful location close to Isola Tiberina.


Piazza in Piscinula 47/50 


poniedziałek, 7 października 2013


Dziś mija 12 dzień mojego pobytu w Rzymie. Poznałam tu wiele ciekawych osób, odkryłam piękne miejsca i jadłam pyszne jedzonko. Dziś postanowiłam podzielić się z Wami moimi wrażeniami i zdjęciami! ;)
Przez pierwsze dni nie mogłam przyzwyczaić się, że jest tu wszędzie pełno ludzi. W kółko zapominałam, że wszystkie przystanki autobusowe są na żądanie (co jest sporym problemem bo w środku nie ma rozkładu) i gubiłam się na mieście. Wszystko było dla mnie nowe i nie mogło dotrzeć do mnie to, że mam tu zostać sama na 4,5 miesiąca! Jednak z dnia na dzień Rzym zaczął odkrywać przede mną swoje tajemnice i zaczęłam się do niego przyzwyczajać. To miasto jest naprawdę piękne!!! A gdy już ma się dookoła miłych ludzi wszystko jest łatwe i przyjemne!!!:)
 I <3 ERASMUS!!!
Peace, Love and Rock'n Rome!  

Piazza della repubblica

Sapienza - Università di Roma


Polish shop on Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore
Zupa z fasoli i grzybów

06.10.2013 festa del vino a Marino!

with Lucy


Gülfem Cevheribucak <3


Pan di stelle!

Maaike van der Heide!

Bocca della verita

Student card

my faculty


BOEME club!

Scale Spagnole

Fontana di Trevi